AITIA was founded 20 years ago by lecturers and researchers of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). Besides the Telecommunications division and the Speech Technology division, the division dealing with artificial intelligence-based solutions has slowly shifted its focus towards industrial IoT. The academic bond is still strong; our human resource base for research and development is growing as we hire young professionals after finishing their studies at the best Hungarian universities. Vision: AITIA is widely acknowledged as one of the leading Hungarian research and development company that successfully provides innovative, reliable systems and services in the domains of telecommunications, network security, speech technology, and industrial IoT. Mission: Our mission is to deliver technically excellent solutions that meet the expectations of telecommunication network operators and service providers. We reach this by leveraging our technical expertise as we constantly develop our skills, understanding our customers, their goals, and their technical environment, and by keep being a professional yet open and supportive crowd. We earn the respect of our customers by providing easy-to-maintain, highly reliable, performance-efficient systems, by facing them in an open and supportive manner, by offering custom-designed equipment, by promptly reacting to their requests.


Péter Tatai

Chief Executive Officer

Péter Tatai received his MSc degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). First he developed professional telecommunications systems at the Research Institute for Telecommunications (TKI), and later he lectured at BME, teaching telecommunications and signal processing until 2005, when he founded AITIA.

Gábor Sey

Director of Telecommunications division

Gábor Sey received his MSc degrees at the University of Szeged as mathematician and software engineer. He has been a member of the SGA division since 2005 and during these years he took part in the daily work of all technical teams (testing, planning, development, support). His specializations are the telecommunication Core Network protocols and packet switched networks. Since 2016 he has been also responsible for the management of Magyar Telekom projects, the largest costumer of the company.

Pál Varga

Director of Industrial IoT division

Pál Varga received his MSc and PhD degrees at BME, where he lectures in the topics of Infocommunications, Information System Management, and IoT frameworks. Beside being responsible for the processes of the telecommunications division, he is deeply involved in EU-wide research projects within the Cyber-Physical Systems and the Industrial IoT domains.

Tibor Fegyó

Director of Speech Research

Tibor Fegyó received his MSc degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. Currently he is working on implementing thematic Hungarian language speech recognition systems and designing modern telecommunication-network capable methods, testing voice quality. He is responsible for the VOXenter portfolio.


Company full name: AITIA International Inc.
Form of operation: Private incorporated company
Established: 25/04/2005
Employees: 22
Registered Office: 7. Záhony street, 1031 Budapest, Hungary
Main activity: System and software development
Registered capital: 200 000 000 HUF
Chief Executive: Péter Tatai
HU Tax number: 13447393-2-41
EU Tax number: HU13447393
Bank name: CIB Bank Zrt.
IBAN: HU95 1110 0104 1344 7393 0100 0003
Fax: +36 1 453 8081